Topsector Energie (TSE) presents new grant rounds 2023

Published on: 3 March 2023 | Last edited on: 14 April 2023

The grants of the Dutch ‘Top Sector Energy’ (TSE) include a wide range of grants schemes for industrial companies and other parties working on cutting-edge innovations in the field of energy and climate. The grant schemes have names such as DEI+, VEKI, HER+ and TSE Industry. This week, the new TSE grant rounds for 2023 were announced. This article provides an overview of the new opportunities, grant budgets and application periods.

About Top Sector Energy’s grant programmes

The new TSE application rounds cover the following sub-programmes and topics:

  1. DEI+ (demonstration of energy innovations)
  2. VEKI (accelerating climate investments in industry)
  3. HER+ (making renewable energy transition more cost-effective)
  4. TSE Industry Studies (preparation of pilot, demonstration and investment projects)
  5. TSE Industry O&O (industrial and circular R&D projects)
  6. HEP (co-funding for Dutch projects in EU energy calls).

Below, we briefly discuss each of these sub-programmes (also referred to as ‘grant modules’) point by point.

1. DEI+ (demonstration of energy innovations)

DEI+ is the main Dutch grant programme for pilots and demonstration projects aimed at new innovations in the field of energy and CO2 reduction. It involves the practical testing (e.g. in a pilot plant) of innovations for which most of the research is already behind them. The innovations can cover the following 8 themes: Energy efficiency, Renewable energy (including environmental integration), Flexibility of the energy system; Local infrastructure; Circular economy; Carbon Capture, Utilisation & Storage (CCU/CCS); Other CO2-reducing measures; and the theme Natural gas-free homes, neighbourhoods, residential buildings and utility buildings.

  • DEI+ application period: from 15 March 2023 to 31 August 2023 (17:00).
  • Available budget: 74 million euros (total for all 8 themes). Distribution: ‘first come, first served’.
  • Important changes: the application must now include a ‘knowledge dissemination plan’. The scheme has also been broadened with regard to new plants to be realised, with activities that are new in the Netherlands.

NB: in the second half of 2023 there will be another/separate DEI+ tender round around the theme of Hydrogen & green chemistry (‘GroenvermogenNL’).

2. VEKI (accelerating climate investments in industry)

The VEKI grant scheme is for Dutch industrial companies investing in the reduction of CO2 emissions within their own operations. The grant is intended as an extra impetus to accelerate such investments.

  • VEKI application period: from 15 March 2023 to 9 January 2024 (17:00).
  • Available budget: 138 million euros! Distribution: ‘first come, first served’.
  • Important change: requirements for ‘proven’ technology made less stringent.

3. HER+ (Renewable Energy Transition)

The HER+ programme aims to make the energy transition ‘more affordable’. The grants are for innovative projects, primarily aimed at increasing cost-effectiveness and future cost savings in renewable energy production and climate transition.

  • HER+ application period: 3 April to 31 August 2023 (17:00).
  • Available budget: 30 million euros. Distribution: ‘first come, first served’.
  • Important changes? No differences in 2023 compared to 2022.

4. TSE Industry Studies

These grants are aimed at preparing a pilot or demonstration project, or an industrial investment project focusing on ‘mature technology’ that is consistent with climate goals. Project preparations must be in the form of an environmental study, feasibility study or similar study.

  • Application period: from 3 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 (17:00).
  • Available budget: 20 million euros. Distribution: ‘first come, first served’.
  • Important change: the maximum grant amount of 2 million euros now applies to all studies. Also, the scheme has been widened in 2023 to include new plants to be built, with activities new to the Netherlands.

5. TSE Industry R&D

This sub-programme provides grants for research and development for:

a) long-term TSE industry projects (up to 4 years);
b) short-term circular economy projects (maximum 2 years).

  • Application period R&D part a): 3 April to 31 August 2023 (17:00).
  • Application period R&D part b): 22 May to 7 September 2023 (17:00).
  • Budget: 1.9 million and 2.5 million euros respectively. Distribution: tender principle.
  • Important change: modified evaluation criteria (‘quality criterion’).
  • BTW: the separate MOOI scheme for more advanced projects of ‘large-scale consortia’ will not start a grant round in 2023.

6. HEP (Horizon Europe Partnerships)

HEP is the new call sign of the previous ‘ERA-NET Energy Projects’ (including the ACT energy call). It involves co-financing for Dutch projects within European ‘energy calls’. The HEP is drawn up on themes corresponding to various modules of the ‘Horizon Europe co-funded Partnerships’ (such as the Clean Energy Transition Partnership, CETP). In 2023, there are opportunities for CETP projects around CCS and CCU.

  • HEP application period: 10 to 29 March 2023 (17:00).
  • Available budget: 4 million euros. Distribution: ‘first come, first served’.
  • Important changes: the name HEP is new, but the thrust remains the same.

Interested in these grants?

EGEN’s experts are very experienced with the TSE grant scheme. They know exactly which innovations stand a chance of getting a grant within DEI+, VEKI, HER+ or another programme. Our experience is of great value for companies that are especially good at innovations, but somewhat less adept at preparing a strong grant application. Want to know more about our services? Send us your question or message using the contact form below and we will get back to you quickly.

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