LIFE starts special call for NGOs in December 2020

Published on: 9 December 2020 | Last edited on: 28 July 2022

The COVID-19 Pandemic has caused a serious blow to organisations and their capacity to work on Europe’s transition towards a sustainable future. For that reason, the LIFE programme is starting a special call, that focuses on NGOs and the European Green Deal. Read more in this article.

About the LIFE programme

LIFE is the name of EU’s multiannual programme for Environment and Climate. For the period 2014–2020, the programme has an overall budget of 3.4 billion euro. At this moment, LIFE is starting a new Call for Proposals, that specifically focuses on NGOs and the European Green Deal.

The new call is strongly related to the COVID-19 crisis, that has caused many serious setbacks for organisations working on the transition towards a sustainable future. With this call, the LIFE programme wants to reinforce the capacity of NGOs to mobilise and strengthen civil society participation and contribution to the implementation of the European Green Deal.

Who can apply for this new Call for Proposals?

The call is targeted at non-governmental organisations (NGOs). To be able to submit a proposal for the call, an organisation must at least meet the following criteria:
• the organisation must qualify as non-profit making NGO
• is established in an EU member state (and is legally registered before 2018)
• is primarily active in the areas of Environment and/or Climate action
• is operating at a national level (or in several regions in larger EU countries).

Grant contribution and call budget

The indicative budget for this call is 12 million euro. The grants under this call may contribute up to 60% to the eligible project costs. Grants may amount to a maximum of 300.000 euro. The call is aiming to finance projects in all EU Member States.

Which projects can be submitted and when?

Further details of the full criteria will be available after the official launch of the call, expected Mid-December 2020. Expected deadline for the submission of proposals: 31 March 2021. Per applicant only one proposal will be taken in consideration. Partnerships are not necessary (and not allowed). Beneficiaries of LIFE NGO Operating Grants will not be eligible to apply.

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