Dutch grants for innovations that help make CO2 reduction more affordable

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CO2 reduction in 2030

Renewable Energy Transition (HER+)

Renewable Energy Transition (HER+) has a dual purpose. The grants are for companies working on new innovations that provide for more sustainable energy production and more CO2 reduction, while also making the energy transition more affordable (and more cost-effective). These may include cost-price-saving innovations around technologies in areas such as wind power, solar power, renewable gas, hydrogen production, CO2 capture/storage (CSS/CCU) or electric boilers.

In short

HER+ overview

For whom?


Research organisations

When to apply

Applying for a HER+ grant can only be done within official rounds. Applications are processed on a first come, first served basis and as long as the budget for the respective round stretches.

  • The most recent application round ran from 3 April 2023 to 31 August 2023 at the latest.
  • Subsequently, the duration of the HER+ scheme was extended until the end of 2024 to make room for a possible new application round in 2024. However, an application period or grant budget has not yet been announced. As soon as this changes, you will read about it here.


How much?

Grant rates depend on the type of project. The maximum grant budget is 6 million euros.

The available grant budget is determined per application round (30 million euros for the 2023-2024 round).

For what?

Innovative projects leading to CO₂ reduction by 2030.

  • HER+ projects must lead to savings on future expenditure on sustainable energy grants or to cost benefits that are greater than the HER+ grant.

Meet the requirements

HER+ conditions

Various terms of eligibility apply to this grant scheme, including the following:

The project must concern industrial research, experimental research, a demonstration project or a combination of these.

Only partnerships are eligible to submit a grant application. The partnership must include at least one enterprise. Collaboration means that the participants take part in the project at their own expense and their own risk.

Local (i.e. provincial and municipal) governments are allowed to participate in projects, but are not eligible to receive a grant themselves.

Projects may run for up to four years and must not have commenced at the time of the grant application. The project must start no later than six months after the grant has been awarded.

Get in touch

What can EGEN do for you?

Do you want to know more about the HER+ grant scheme and how you might benefit from it? EGEN’s specialists will be happy to inform you about the terms of eligibility, provide you with advice and help you submit your grant application.

”I have a technical background in environmental and energy science. At EGEN, I usually work for clients working on innovative circular projects. With my clients I discuss opportunities to make the project possible or to make it a bit more financially attractive.”

Contact Tim Huitema →

Tim Huitema

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+31 (0)88 838 13 81