Manufacturing industry of strategic importance
The Climate Neutral Economy Manufacturing Investment Subsidy (IMKE) aims to support companies in investments that are vital for the production of (essential components of) electrolysers, batteries and solar panels. The government identified that it is beneficial for the Netherlands to stimulate this manufacturing industry in order to reduce its strategic dependence on other countries.
Currently, investments in batteries for storage, solar panels for energy and electrolysers for the production of hydrogen are lagging behind in the Netherlands. Investment decisions are not made due to excessive risks and funding shortages. These investments are necessary to achieve a successful transition to a climate-neutral economy. Additionally, there is a chance that the parts will become more expensive and scarce in the long term, due to increased demand.
Consultation and Draft Regulation
The internet consultation on the subsidy scheme was completed on 3 March 2024. Input was provided for, among other things, the conditions of the subsidy, the duration and the amount of the subsidy. The draft scheme identifies several investments that are eligible for subsidies:
Batteries: bulk batteries, lithium-ion batteries, sodium-ion batteries, redox-flow batteries, or solid-state batteries. Also, parts such as anodes, cells, coating materials, electrolyte materials, cathodes, and packs or stacks. Finally, the production or recovery of related critical raw materials for the production of batteries is mentioned.
Electrolysers: anodes, bipolar plates, diaphragms, pressure regulators, cathodes, small-scale hydrogen storage, membranes, temperature regulators, power electronics, heat exchangers, hydrogen compressors, hydrogen detection systems or hydrogen purification systems.
Solar panels: investment in the production of BIPV or VIPV solar panels or solar panels that are circular, lightweight or flexible. Also investments in heterojunction solar cells, perovskite foils, perovskite solar cells or tandem solar cells.
EGEN’s experts are involved in innovations and financing in the fields of environment, energy and mobility on a daily basis. They can advise you on your innovation projects and associated subsidy processes. Would you like to be kept informed of the developments of this subsidy? Contact us via the contact form below!